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Edo hat mir 12 Trommeln aus Weinfässern gebaut. Die sind perfekt geworden.
Ich wollte das eigentlich selber machen - aber einerseits fehlte mir die Zeit und anderseits wären die nie so klasse geworden.
Heute werden diese rege genutzt und gerne gespielt. Auch die Ständer und Taschen dazu passten wie aus einem Guss.
Danke Edo.


Guido Strauch



I have been playing taiko since 2001 and in that time I have had the great pleasure to use taiko drums from Japanese name manufacturers such as Asano, Miyamoto -Unosuke.


Since moving to Germany in 2008 I have worked hard to establish my own taiko school, and of course, buying drums was priority. In the beginning, I bought what seemed to be reasonably well made, well priced taiko from an online seller. While these drums have served as the workhorses for my school for some years, I have always been a little disappointed in their build and sound quality.


This year we were able to purchase two miya daiko that were made by Edoart Peters of Fuldaiko - Fulda Taiko Dojo.


To say I am impressed would be a huge understatement. The workmanship that Edoart has put into these drums rivals anything I’ve seen or played that has come from Japan and their sound quality has made a significant difference to the resonance that we are able to produce onstage. I was so impressed with these instruments that, upon receipt of our latest drum, I sent Edoart’s details to my teacher in Australia. Despite buying his instruments when he returns to Japan, I know he is often on the lookout for quality drums that don’t cost the high prices of the well known Japanese taiko builders.


With our Fulda made taikos, we have beautiful craftsmanship, excellent sound quality and top quality professional service at a fraction of the cost of similar drums from Japan.


Edoart - thank you so much. You have given our group a real boost with your work. We feel honoured to be able to play on your taikos.


James Tokeshu Tan

Wadaiko Rindo - European Head Instructor 


SAKURA-NO-KI TAIKO (Frankfurt a. M.)

Ich arbeite mit Eddy seit über 8 Jahren zusammen und er ist, sozusagen, mein zuverläßiger "Taikoarzt".
Ob Felle austauschen oder nachspannen, die Arbeit war immer perfekt gemacht!
Es ist leider alles teuerer geworden - doch mmer noch günstiger als es aus Japan kommen zu lassen.

Danke Eddy nochmal für die geschenkte Okedo an Taiko Serbija. Wir waren alle von deiner Geste berührt.


Ljiljana Bulic


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© 2007 Fulda Taiko Dojo